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From Client to Co-Worker

From Client to Co-Worker

12th Dec 2018 Beeks Group

As Head of Client Services at Beeks Financial Cloud, my job largely involves managing relationships. Uniquely, it was my former relationship as a … Continued

When is Dedicated Infrastructure not Dedicated?

When is Dedicated Infrastructure not Dedicated?

27th Nov 2018 Beeks Group

Remember that bit in Matilda where Danny Devito sells the piece-of-junk cars as good as new?   Yes, it might be a clever … Continued

The subscription era

The subscription era

14th Aug 2018 Beeks Group

Who doesn’t love a subscription? It’s 2018, and people want things faster, simpler, and indefinitely. One cannot argue that the internet has made … Continued

Creating Signal Integrity – what is signal and what is integrity?

Creating Signal Integrity – what is signal and what is integrity?

12th Jun 2018

Financial systems are drowning in data. Complex, multiple and legacy systems, regulatory requirements, the proliferation of electronic trading – all these factors conspire … Continued

“Tick to Trade” – is it the new must have metric in trading performance?

“Tick to Trade” – is it the new must have metric in trading performance?

31st May 2018

The saying ‘time is money’ means more in the world of trading than it does anywhere else. And that’s time in its teeniest … Continued

Identifying where a major bank lost millions during an IPO

Identifying where a major bank lost millions during an IPO

17th Apr 2018

Market maker unable to publish stock price… Our client, a leading international retail and investment bank, was acting as a market maker – … Continued

Women in Tech – The Female Engineer

Women in Tech – The Female Engineer

13th Apr 2018 Beeks Group

My Experience I’m proud to say I’m a Woman in Tech. I was the sole female on my Network Engineering course at college, … Continued

Ex Senior Goldman Sachs Banker to Help Shape Future of Fintech Firm Beeks Analytics (formerly Velocimetrics)
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Ex Senior Goldman Sachs Banker to Help Shape Future of Fintech Firm Beeks Analytics (formerly Velocimetrics)

21st Mar 2018

Ex GS COO of Research sees value of data as key to success for financial firms Beeks Analytics (formerly Velocimetrics), a leading provider … Continued

The Insight – news and views from Beeks Analytics
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The Insight – news and views from Beeks Analytics

21st Mar 2018

Word from the head of Beeks Analytics As 2018 hurtles along, we – in the trading technology world – are already way past … Continued

Beeks over the years – Internet Capacity

Beeks over the years – Internet Capacity

19th Feb 2018 Beeks Group

It’s pleasing to see how far we’ve come since Day 1. Following our launch in 2011, Beeks has developed and flourished by expanding … Continued

Clock Synchronization and Time Stamping – a stitch in time, saves time (and money)

Clock Synchronization and Time Stamping – a stitch in time, saves time (and money)

4th Feb 2018

Time is a precious thing. In the trading environment, the difference between microseconds, nanoseconds, picoseconds and femtoseconds – the smallest quantifiable units of … Continued

Banks Shift From Attitude Of Regulation And Compliance To Growth And Profitability In 2018
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Banks Shift From Attitude Of Regulation And Compliance To Growth And Profitability In 2018

10th Jan 2018

The global financial services industry will witness a wholesale move from an attitude of regulation and compliance to one of growth and profitability … Continued

Hello 2018, a big year for Fintech

Hello 2018, a big year for Fintech

9th Jan 2018 Beeks Group

2018 looks like it’s shaping up to be a big one in the fintech industry, what with the continued explosion of the cryptocurrency … Continued

Merry Christmas
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Merry Christmas

5th Dec 2017 Beeks Group

‘Tis the season to be connected! We have continued to grow our client base, providing more infrastructure and obtaining more cross-connections than ever. … Continued

Our many Cross-Connects

Our many Cross-Connects

5th Dec 2017 Beeks Group

At Beeks, we pride ourselves on keeping you connected. As the company continues to grow, so too do the number of connections we … Continued

Merrill Lynch transaction reporting fine – Could it have been avoided?
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Merrill Lynch transaction reporting fine – Could it have been avoided?

27th Oct 2017

News broke this week that Merrill Lynch has been fined £34.5million by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) for a failure to report various … Continued

Effective system and algorithmic testing: Why using real-world data really should be a pre-requisite
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Effective system and algorithmic testing: Why using real-world data really should be a pre-requisite

26th Jun 2016

There will always be edge cases that weren’t considered when a system was originally tested. You probably know what I mean, those cases … Continued

Assessing market data quality – The risky business of focusing on the channel and ignoring the data traversing it
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Assessing market data quality – The risky business of focusing on the channel and ignoring the data traversing it

6th Jun 2016

I often find it helpful to think of market data quality assessment in the context of a highway.  You have the actual road … Continued

New white paper – Why effective payment incident management now demands real-time, actionable insight
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New white paper – Why effective payment incident management now demands real-time, actionable insight

25th Apr 2016

Every year banks spend millions managing incidents that occur in their payment platforms.  These costs are largely swallowed up resourcing the process of finding, … Continued

The events that shook Forex Markets for Treasurers

The events that shook Forex Markets for Treasurers

22nd Apr 2016 Beeks Group

The corporate treasurer at the multinational corporation is facing a particularly fierce global market today. Corporate hedging, key for businesses that need to … Continued

New White Paper – Beyond Monitoring: Where is your solution on the business value spectrum?
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New White Paper – Beyond Monitoring: Where is your solution on the business value spectrum?

14th Mar 2016

Over recent years, the technology available to support IT monitoring for trading and payment processing environments has matured at a considerable rate.  Whilst … Continued

Are you sending and receiving all electronic trade communications? – The perils of assumption
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Are you sending and receiving all electronic trade communications? – The perils of assumption

25th Feb 2016

Operating an element management system to check your FIX engines are up and running is one thing, but knowing for sure they’re actually … Continued

Assessing market data quality – Taking it to the next level
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Assessing market data quality – Taking it to the next level

17th Feb 2016

Assessing market data quality often splits into two levels. At a basic level there is examining the quality of the channel itself, by … Continued

Applications: Why a view inside is so valuable
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Applications: Why a view inside is so valuable

9th Dec 2015

There’s no doubt in my mind, being able to look into what is happening inside a server, blade or stack of servers and … Continued

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