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Beeks Group announces Exchange Cloud 

14th Jun 2022

Exchange Cloud is a multi-home, fully configured and pre-installed physical trading environment that has been fully optimised for global Exchanges to offer cloud solutions to their end users.


Beeks Group launches Exchange Cloud, an evolution of Proximity Cloud that has been explicitly designed for global financial exchanges and electronic communication networks (ECNs). While Proximity Cloud comprises a single-user interface, this next iteration comprises a multi-home capability as well as additional analytics features.

Exchange Cloud launched with a major equities exchange already under contract as well as additional proof of concept implementations and discussions underway with potential customers.

Through Exchange Cloud, exchanges and ECNs can offer end-user cloud compute to their customers as well as maintain space for their own internal use if required. Utilising high precision timing tools and supporting unicast and multicast datasets, the platform can be deployed in any exchange anywhere in the world and white labelled by exchanges across different asset classes.

The Exchange will continue to own the relationship and contract with their end users under their own brand, with Beeks providing support to the exchange.

“We’ve got a long and unique history of delivering on-demand compute in financial services,” says Gordon McArthur, CEO at Beeks Group. “Our product development has always been driven by customer demand and we created Exchange Cloud specifically to meet the needs of top exchanges around the world. During early stage Proximity Cloud discussions with some of the top ten financial exchanges in the world, we identified a demand for a secure, multi-client cloud environment which they could offer to their customers. We believe the end-user compute market within exchange data centres to be considerable, and there to be no comparable offering currently in the market”.

Exchange Cloud was designed to be a fully-managed and configurable compute, storage and analytics rack built with industry-leading low latency hardware that allows global exchanges to run compute, storage and analytics on-premise.

The key comparison to Proximity Cloud is a multi-home capability that lets exchanges provide an in co-lo, branded cloud experience to their own customer base.

Exchange Cloud has a parent and child portal set up that grants the Exchange a master portal view and rights to build multiple client portals and assign infrastructure to client sub portals. Inbuilt data analytics monitors the Exchange performance including market data replay functionality and packet capture. The additional analytics functionality within Exchange Cloud gives latency and microburst information natively within the portal.

Since 2011, Beeks Group has delivered infrastructure solutions optimised specifically for capital markets and financial services that allow customers to consume compute, storage and analytics through managed hosting, public cloud services or on premise in full regulatory approved environments.

Emphasising the maturity of the product’s core functionality, McArthur says: “All the components within Exchange Cloud are tried and tested over a decade preceeding launch. We are one of the only firms in the world with dedicated expertise in building, networking and automating private virtual machines and analytics for the financial markets.

While Proximity Cloud makes it easier to quickly deploy on premise, Exchange Cloud takes it one step further by introducing multi-home capabilities in a secure and compliant environment. Beeks will continue to develop Proximity Cloud as its single user platform and Exchange Cloud as its multi-homed environment targeted at exchanges.

Exchange Cloud is available to purchase on a monthly subscription model, making the entry into equities trading more accessible for a wider range of participants.

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