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Beeks Group Achieves ISO 22301 Certification

4th Jun 2024

We are pleased to announce that Beeks Group has achieved ISO 22301 certification, the international standard for Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS). This achievement highlights our commitment to ensuring robust, resilient, and reliable infrastructure for our clients in the financial services sector.

ISO 22301 is a globally recognised certification that outlines the requirements for a management system designed to protect against, reduce the likelihood of, and ensure recovery from disruptive incidents. For Beeks, this means we have implemented enhanced procedures to maintain business operations during unforeseen disruptions, ensuring the continuous delivery of services to our clients.

In the financial markets, the assurance of uninterrupted service is crucial. Achieving ISO 22301 certification demonstrates our proactive approach to risk management and business continuity. This certification reassures our clients that they can rely on Beeks for consistent, secure, and efficient operations, even in challenging circumstances.

The certification process involved a thorough assessment of our business continuity plans and systems, ensuring they are robust against various threats, from cyber-attacks to natural disasters. For our clients, this means increased confidence in our ability to deliver consistent and secure services.

Beeks Group’s Chief Operating Officer (COO), Paul Donohoe, adds: “This certification is a significant milestone for Beeks. It not only validates our commitment to operational resilience but also enhances the trust our clients place in us. They can be assured that we are prepared to handle any disruptions, ensuring their operations remain secure and uninterrupted.”

At Beeks Group, we are dedicated to providing secure, scalable, and reliable cloud infrastructure solutions tailored to the specific needs of financial services. Our ISO 22301 certification is a testament to our ongoing commitment to operational excellence and customer satisfaction. With this certification, we enhance our ability to support clients with resilient infrastructure, ensuring they can focus on their core business activities without interruption.

We are excited to take this step forward in reinforcing our infrastructure and services. As we continue to grow and evolve, our focus remains on delivering innovative solutions that empower our clients to navigate the complexities of the financial markets with confidence and agility.

For more information about our ISO 22301-compliant services and how they can benefit your business, contact us at

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