Put The Detail Here: RDP Builder
Server hostname/IP: (Examples:,
Port: (Examples: 3389, 5577, 4444)
Username: (If blank you will be prompted later. Password is always prompted later.)
Initial RD Window Properties Initial RD Window Properties
Scale Contents on RD Window Resize
Use Multiple Monitors Note:
     I. Only supported by default in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008. If you are on Vista or XP, upgrade your client for free here.
     II. Only supported if the server you connect to is Windows 7 Ultimate or Windows Server 2008 Enterprise+
Use Monitor Spanning Note: Has no bearing if "Use Multiple Monitors" is set to "Yes". This is for clients and servers that don't support multiple monitors.
There are resolution restrictions. See this page
Window Width Note: has no bearing if "Use Multiple Monitors" or "Use Monitor Spanning" is set.
Window Height Note: has no bearing if "Use Multiple Monitors" or "Use Monitor Spanning" is set.
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